Natural Anti-depressant – Lavender Tea (Herbal Tea) Benefits and side effects!

Lavender Tea benefits

Lavender Tea Benefits arise from natural calming and relaxing properties. Many scientific researches have been conducted to understand the working of lavender. The following article focusses on lavender tea benefits as a natural anti-depressant.

What is Lavender Tea?

Lavender Tea is a herbal infusion prepared by steeping dried leaves and flowers of Lavender plant in hot water. The English lavender known as Lavandula angustifolia is the most commonly used Lavender variety and is native to Mediterranean climates, although it is now cultivated worldwide in large quantities.


Lavender Tea is known for its calming and aromatic properties.

History of Lavender Tea

The use of lavender, (Lavandula angustifolia), can be traced back to ancient civilizations recognizing its diverse properties. Egyptians incorporated lavender into cosmetics, perfumes, and even rituals, while the Romans, inspired by the word “lava” meaning “to wash,” utilized it in their baths and for air freshener. The Greeks, on the other hand, were drawn to its medicinal potential, employing it for digestive issues, headaches, and sleep problems.

As the knowledge of lavender spread, its understanding continued into the 16th century with English herbalist John Parkinson praising lavender’s effectiveness against headaches and “griefes” of the brain.

French chemist René-Maurice Gattefossé’s accidental discovery of lavender oil’s rapid healing properties for burns in the 1930s even led to the coining of the term “aromatherapy”. During World War II, lavender oil continued to be used by doctors to aid wound healing.

Lavender Tea Benefits

While there is much research available specifically for Lavender Tea, its benefits are considered to be direct effects of lavender itself. Below are main benefits attributed to Lavender:

Stress Reliever:

The most widely acclaimed benefit of lavender is its potential calming effect on the body. Lavender oil has been used since 16th century to treat tooth aches, headaches and calming excited children’s.

As science progressed many scientific explorations explained the possible role of lavender of anxiety reduction

In a big “meta-analysis” of multiple clinical trials, it was found that lavender inhalation can significantly reduce anxiety levels.

Similar study in post partum women shows that Lavender was able to significantly improve the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale and generalized anxiety disorder.

Another study in 48 adult outpatients suffering from mild-to-moderate depression led to a better and earlier improvement, after administration of lavender oil.

Sleep Enhancer

Lavender has been suggested as an excellent natural remedy to treat insomnia and improve the sleep quality. 

Multiple studies have shown that lavender oil significantly improve sleep quality in insomnia patients, ischemic patients and post -partum females.

In a study on thirty-one hospitalized patients, administration of lavender odor showed a trend towards an improved quality of daytime wakefulness and more sustained sleep at night.

Pain Reliever

A study found that administration of lavender aromatherapy improved pain tolerance in patients post surgery.

A multi study analysis indicate that aromatherapy can successfully treat pain when combined with conventional treatments

Anti Inflammatory

Lavender oil is shown to have anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties. In ancient times, lavender oil was used to apply on skin to reduce swellings.

A clinical study showed anti-inflammatory and antioxidant efficacy of lavender oil in experimentally induced thrombosis.

Apart from above mentioned scientific benefits, lavender is also shown to promote hair growth, even skin tone, promote healthy skin , antimicrobial properties.

Also Read: Benefits of Butterfly Pea Flower (Blue Tea) Benefits!

Side Effects

Lavender is considered “generally safe” with little to no side effects in consumed responsibly. However, Nausea, vomiting, headache, and chills have been reported in some people after inhaling or absorbing lavender through the skin. Lavender applied to skin may cause irritation in some people. Oral use of Lavender may cause constipation, headache, and increased appetite. Lavender oil is toxic if taken orally.

Since, lavender tea is calming and relaxing, too much of lavender tea may cause drowsiness.

It is advised to consult a healthcare worker before consuming lavender tea if you taking prescriptions for anti-depressants etc.

Considering a large number of benefits of using Lavender in daily life, consuming a cup of lavender tea daily may give a good health boost. It is especially recommended to people with sleep disorders or job/family stress. Its natural calming properties can give you much needed natural boost to increase your work productivity.

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